[Patch] 29-11-2023
Patch Notes
Black Dragon Nest Hardcore
- Is now available through Garden of Time and Space (Lv70)
- Parties that clear within the first week since release, will be rewarded. Event details will be posted in the #events channel
- Black Dragon Nest normal mode doesn't require tickets anymore
- Black Dragon Nest normal mode feather's drop has been increased
DPS Meter
Damage meter now displays more details:
- Total heal amount. Hovering over the number, will show a list of all party members you've healed through the run. Only available for end run DPS

- Aggro uptime. All members will have their aggro uptime % shown. Only available for boss DPS
- Damage taken. All members will be able to see how much damage they've taken through the whole run, or by a specific boss
- Ice stack uptime. All bosses will display a percentage of uptime in which it has been ice-stacked

- A fall back system has been implemented for fonts. If your current font doesn't support certain characters, it will use the font 1, with the largest support, to display that specific text
- If a stage clear chest contains Rock of Blessing, all 4 chests are guaranteed to drop it