[Patch] 25-04-2024
Core Updates & Performance Enhancements
- DNO Settings UI: Added sections and tooltip descriptions for better user understanding. Font size setting has been adjusted to only increase or decrease the size by 25%. Font 3 has been removed, 2 new fonts in both regular and bold style have been added for you to choose from

- Performance Enhancements: Minor improvements across the board, including fixed flickering models on Vulkan and small performance boosts
Gameplay & Features
- DPS Meter Improvements: More detailed breakdown of additional damage for each skill, now displaying highest damage numbers

- Cooking System Renewal: cooking UI has been updated, recipes have been updated, allowing you to learn the new legendary ones from your inventory

- Volcano Ordeal Nest: the 6 man nest is now available, and added to speedrun board as well

- Enhancement Rate Display: Now takes into account the hotspring enhancement rate buff, displaying the actual current rate
- Lament Store: Lv70 laments store has been added, and an exchange is now possible as well, at a rate of x20 lv70 laments for each lv80 lament
- Hero System: Hero/mercenary system is here. You can purchase your starting heroes at priestess of darkness, for lv80 laments. Level up your heroes till lv20 to unlock their active skills, combine them with the synthetizer to obtain a higher rank hero. Heroes level up with each dungeon/nest you do after registering it. They are only active in parties of 2 players or below

Quality of Life Improvements
- Improved Hot Spring Rewards: Enhancement success rate buff has been improved, to the following per stage: 10%, 20%, 30%. Blessing Points buff has been increased as well, to the following: 300, 600, 1000. Hotspring Schedules have been updated as well:

- Skill Transparency Settings: Updated so they no longer affect cleric relics
- DPS Meter UI: Text size adjusted to better accommodate large map names
- Config File Format: The old Config.ini file in your Documents/DNOrigins/Config has been transitioned to .json for enhanced efficiency (Note: This change does not affect gameplay directly). It should still retain your previous settings
Cash Shop
- Deluxe Boxes: normal Deluxe Boxes are back into Cash Shop
- New Items: Skill up heraldry, automatic box opener, and an 100k DNP voucher have been added to the cash shop. Note that skill up heraldry is also obtainable currently at Priestess of Darkness lv80 laments store
- Functional Items: Prices of many functional items in the cash shop have been adjusted (reduced)
- Mounts: 2 new mounts are available in Deluxe Boxes: Savage Desert Dragon & God Blessed Pegasus

- Pets: 2 new pets are available in Deluxe Boxes: furry & baby fox
- Spirits: 2 new pets are available in Deluxe Boxes: Merlion & Noble Signus
- Body Aura: new body aura accessories are now available: dark purple

- Pania Weapons: 2 new pania weapons are available in deluxe boxes: Greedy Karahan & Brilliant Hero:

Bug Fixes
- Crash: Resolved an issue causing the game to crash upon closure
- Inventory Bug Fix: Removed Hero Talismans (Geraint, Velskud, etc.) that caused inventory bugs
FYI: more adjustments to the soft locks happening in some lv80 dungeons could not make it for this patch, will be included in the next one instead.
2 events are on the way: the return of Althea Exploration & release of Dragon Hunting