[Patch] 23-11-2024
- Desert Dragon Nest Hardcore: is now back and as challenging as ever. Available at Red Dragon Nest's portal (the lv60 version & memorias have been disabled)
All monster stats have been adjusted for lv80, element resist has been equalized and lowered to 30%, time limit has been removed and new drops have been added:
Lv80 Desert Dragon Legendary Ring (Potential)
High Grade Diamond Codes
Light/Fire/Dark Attack Enhancement Plate (provides crit & element atk %)
Additionally, you can now obtain 2 new colored titles by killing the Desert Dragon & clearing with all 8 players alive.
The titles provide a good amount of element atk %, as well as other useful stats. These additions are now available in DNO, to compensate for the lack of costume stats.
- Speedrun Board: you can now view each run's DPS meter, and when inspecting one of the players, the option to view the skill build they cleared with is now available.
DPS Meter for dungeon runs, and per-boss dps is not available.
Additionally, you can no longer appear multiple times in the solo rankings. Instead, only your best time will be displayed and updated as you improve. All solo run records have been reset.
- Battle Training Grounds: has been fully reworked, bringing back some old DNO features, as well as some new ones.
Change Background Color (dark, light, purple)
Change Monster: you can now switch between 3 different size (small, medium & large) monsters.
Training Dummy: no longer rotates itself or jumps backwards.
Party Buffs: select between some of the main party buffs & a duration.
Equalize Attack: select to toggle forcing your damage to always use your max attack, for more consistent damage testing.
Skill Hitbox: select to toggle the visibility of your skill hitboxes.
Ranking: every BTG kill is now saved, so everyone can check the ranking and view the DPS skill spread, skill builds and gear of the most performing players in their own class.
Your DPS will not be recorded if you use party buffs or enter BTG as part of a party. To become eligible again, simply click the reset button. This will remove any applied buffs, reset your skill cooldowns, and refresh the monster.

- All towns: Halloween decoration has been removed, as well as Crazy Duck event NPCs.
- Priest Relics: effect transparency settings now affect relic skills.
Class Changes
Soul Eater
- Specter of Pain
Damage increased by 70%.
- Soul Gate
Damage increased by 20%.
- Beast Spirit EX
Damage increased by 30%.
- Spirit Paper
Damage increased by 40%.
Dark Summoner
- Sadism Pleasure
The heal effect is now a party buff.
- Chaos Formation
Damage increased by 50%.
- Rampage Claw
Damage of the additional hit increased from 30% to 60%.
- Revenge Hand
Damage increased by 30%.
- Grudge Formation
Allies' attack buff increased from 25% to 35%.
- Resent Area
Damage increased by 50%.
- Phantom Claw
Damage increased by 20%.
- Piercing Spike
Damage increased by 20%.
- Poking Beehive
Cooldown decreased from 20s to 13s.
- Dent Blow
Damage increased by 50%.
- Spear Hand
Damage increased by 50%.
- Hovering Blade
Damage increased by 90%.
Abyss Walker
- Line of Darkness
Damage increased by 20%.
- Night Explosion
Damage increased by 25%.
- Plasma Burst
Damage increased by 25%.
- Applause
Damage increased by 30% and cooldown decreased from 13s to 10s.
- Punishment
Damage increased by 25% and cooldown decreased from 24s to 18s.
- Rake
Damage increased by 25%.
- Rain Drop
Damage increased by 25% and cooldown decreased from 20s to 15s.
- The End
Damage increased by 40%.
- Halfmoon Slash
Damage increased by 50%.
- Moon Blade Dance
Damage increased by 30%.
- Circle Bomb
Damage increased by 30%.
- Flying Swing
Damage increased by 50%.
- Maelstrom Howl
Damage increased by 30%.
- Magma Punch
Damage increased by 100%.
- Magma Pillars
Cooldown decreased from 25s to 18s.
- Magma Wave
Damage increased by 30% and cooldown decreased from 28s to 18s.
There will be more class changes, but these are the last ones for a while.