[Patch] 23-06-2024
General Improvements
- New Class: the first dark character, Dark Avenger, is now available for creation. You'll automatically become an Avenger upon creation, and once you reach lv50, your Dark Avenger awakening quest will be available at Saint Haven's warrior master NPC.
- Heroes Battlefield: your base stats (STR, AGI, INT) are now preserved.
- Third Core Nest: now drops some flawless materials.
- Saint Haven Defense: it's now available again at the usual schedules (15:00-16:00, 21:00 - 22:00, 03:00 - 04:00).
Your base stats (STR, AGI, INT) are balanced, Gorilla's HP & defense have been adjusted, and drops have been updated.
Use your lv80 Guild Master's Silver Coin in the new lv80 shop at Guild Master Gunther NPC, where you'll be able to buy your ECJ, warranties, and the new limitation heraldry, that increases critical damage. Limitation heraldry can also rarely drop from SHD's clear chest.

- Elemental Conversion Jades: you can now upgrade your lv70 ECJ at blacksmith's crafting menu to gain 10% extra element attack %.

- Althea Continent Exploration Event: explore Althea once again to obtain lots of rewards. Available for lv80 Characters only.
Note: the big chests and small chests have the same drops, the only difference is how rare they are. It is definitely recommended to open the big chests first.
Event duration: 23rd June 09:00 - 6th July 09:00

FYI: another patch is will be released soon, containing a bunch of fixes and improvements.