[Patch] 12-11-2025


  • Trading House: the "check market price" option now properly displays the average, lowest and highest price of the past 40 days. If no records are found in that time frame, it'll use older data.

An option to automatically post your TH listing on DNO Discord is now available.

  • Numeric Abbreviation: this option now displays numbers in millions (M) and billions (B), instead of simply truncating by 1000.

  • Skill Tree: you can now reset your skills anytime and without any cost. The reset button will either clear your current unsaved tree, or reset your skill build if your tree is already saved.

All skill reset cash items have been removed from Cash Shop, Deluxe Boxes & Circus Shop.

You can now also properly delete your skill presets after selecting them.

  • Spirits: all lv11 and above Spirits can be used as material, and transfer it's level. E.g a lv20 Spirit, used as material, will level up any other spirit to lv20.

Spirit Essence pouches are now able to be put in server storage, as long as they haven't been opened yet.

  • Lancea: Scar Maker & Will Maker are now visible regardless of your transparency settings.
  • Towns: Christmas decorations have been removed.
  • Donation System: is now available, at Helper Trisha NPC.

Donate some of your gold monthly, and obtain powerful titles and other small benefits.

Daily rewards are sent every day at 00:00 Server Time. On the 1st of every month, at 00:00, rewards will be sent to the top donors and the ranking will be reset.

All title stats are based on Buried Hero's, and slightly increased as an incentive to reward your "charitable contributions".

  • Improvements: many back-end changes have been made, to allow for some upcoming features, such as an in-game auction house.

What's Next?

Next weekend, Red Dragon Nest Hardcore's patch will be released, together with it's events, SHD drop and shop changes, a Cash Shop update, and more. The exact time will be announced soon.