[Patch] 11-02-2023
- Mist Nest is now available
- DDN HC now drops legendary codes again
- Blessing Talismans can no longer get affected by the talisman slot %. Additionally, there were never plans to release Mist Nest blessing talisman at least until later in the cap
- Raid Party UI has been edited to fit better in the screen, with old UI style
- Settings (System, Game & Control) UI has been edited to have the old UI style again
- DNO Settings tab is back with most of it's settings, and UI has been improved. You can access it via Settings -> System -> DNO Custom
Known Issue: Adjust Zoom up & down buttons don't work properly, slider does

- Enhancement, Break and Downgrade rates are now shown on item upgrade UI

- You can now Shift + Right Click on Deluxe Boxes while in Cash Shop to view it's contents without purchasing it
- You can also see the contents of pouches now (also without having to purchase it)

- Experience is no longer shared between party members
- Added an option to change language to Chinese (NPC talk & quests are not included, yet). Select it in the launcher's language settings
- Added Talisman Expansion (30 & 90 days) to Cash Shop
- Added a few Assassin faces and hairstyles to Cash Shop
- Previous Dark Lair rankings have been restored, and Infinite Formido rewards have been sent
- Fixed boxes contents UI showing item tooltips behind the UI
- Fixed DPS Meter button getting disabled after using a code or jade
- DPS Meter should assign additional damage more accurately in situations where there's many hits occurring
- Fixed player gauge faces not showing up / showing the wrong one
- Fixed some monsters having a wrong super armor value making them unable to be pushed (PKN Hound)
- Fixed some costume packages being purchaseable but when gifting, they were unable to be received