[Patch] 03-02-2025
- Ice attack has been added to the fire attack heraldry.
- The maximum height range of most party buffs has been significantly increased.
- Old suffix effects have been removed from all existing items.
- Fixed an issue where certain party buffs could not be applied to party members in an invincibility state (e.g assassin's raid buff while Divine Avatar was active)
Cash Shop
- Deluxe Boxes contents have been updated:
3 new wing/tail/decal sets have been added
Solar Eclipse
Beating Heart
Good and Evil
2 new mounts have been added:


2 new pets have been added:
Baby Black Tiger
Atonement Darkness, Blessed Hero and Light weapon coupons are also available again.
Reminder: you can always Shift + Left Click on the boxes to preview the latest contents.
Class Changes
- Raid
Attack limit increased from 2.5 to 4.
- Finish Attack
Now guarantees critical hits on targets at 30% HP or lower.
Additional damage increased from 8% to 11%.
- Raid
Attack limit increased from 2.5 to 3.5.
Dark Avenger
- Nightmare Dark Crash
Damage reduced by 20%.
- Aerial Chain Shot
Damage increased by 30%.
- Charged Shot
Damage increased by 20%.
- Siege Stance
Damage increased by 50%.
- Arrow Barrage
Damage increased by 100%.
Shooting Star
- Ping Pong
Damage increased by 30%.
- Splash
Damage reduced by 35%.
- Demolition
Damage increased by 80%.
- Mine Thrower
Damage reduced by 15%.
- Chemical Missile
Damage increased by 40%.
Soul Eater
- Class Role Adjustment:
- Elemental Changes
Lv50 and EX skills are now fire element.
- Soul Scream
Now provides a party buff: 20% cooldown reduction, 20% action speed, and 20% movement speed for 20 seconds.
This buff does not stack with Spirit Boost.
- Dragon Soul (Enhanced Version)
Now applies a new debuff that accumulates all fire damage dealt by the party for 15 seconds, then explodes at the end to deal 40% of the total accumulated damage.
The boss will be visually covered in flames during the debuff duration, with a sound explosion occurring at the end.
- Dragon Soul
Cooldown reduced from 125s to 100s.
- Class Mastery
Now also increases fire attack by 20%.
Soul Eater struggled to compete in dark parties, so she has been repositioned to fit fire party compositions. The class is subject to more changes, but these adjustments should secure it a spot in raid.
- Frostbite
Damage increased by 50%.
- Magma Wall
Damage increased by 35%.
Attack skill plate effect now also applies to the versions with more bubbles.
- Magma Wave
Damage increased by 50%.
- Ice Beam EX
Animation speed increased.
- Ecstatic Dance Part 2
Is now capped at 50% additional damage (previously 62.5%, 75% with +1 skill level).
- Injector EX
Final Damage (FD) buff now also applies to the caster.
These class changes aim to, as discussed in our Discord server, reduce the gap between the top two DPS classes (SS & DA) by redistributing some of their damage and bringing other DPS classes closer to the top.
Of course, these changes are always subject to further adjustments. I ask that you avoid drawing conclusions too quickly. Let the changes settle in, and over the coming weeks, we’ll all observe how they evolve.
And before you ask, yes, more classes will be adjusted, but all in their own time.
What's Next?
There are some special events planned to help players switch and try new classes, along with more content in the works. However, I’ll be somewhat unavailable in the coming week(s) due to increased workload irl. Expect the updates to hit in 2 to 3 weeks.