[MiniPatch] 29-10-2023
Black Dragon Memoria
Memoria I, II and III are now available.

Speedrun Board Back & Revamped
- New UI & Filters
- Player Info: Click on any party member to view the gear they used at the end of the run. (DPS and skill builds coming soon).
- Historic Data: All clear logs from the last 6 months are now available in the ranking.
- Note: Gear details are not available for runs older than this update.
- Discord Updates: whenever a player obtains first rank in an abyss dungeon, nest or raid, a message will be sent in our discord's #speedrun-updates channel

Pumpkin Ducks: Encounter these festive fowls in any dungeon and collect Anniversary Tokens. Duration: Sunday 29th October - Friday 10th November

- Irine's Special Shop: Exchange your tokens for a range of account-wide items.

EXP: has been increased by 200% for the event's duration.
Bonus Gift: all players will receive a small gift from the staff in their special storage during this anniversary celebration.
- Event Duration: October 31st to November 10th.
- Minigame: On October 31st, after the server restart, the Circus Event Portal will be open for you to participate in a Halloween-themed minigame and earn spooky themed rewards.